

An integrated content marketer with 5+ years of experience working with 55+ brands globally. With a degree in advertising and a passion for brand storytelling – I’ve worked in-house, in agencies, and as a freelancer to create data-driven digital marketing strategies, sales funnels, ad campaigns, websites, and engaging content for brands.
Aditya Pandit profile image
Years of Experience
0 +
Brands Worked With
0 +
Revenue Generated
$ 0 M+
The following work portfolio is a mixed showcase of marketing products I’ve created while working with my employers and as a freelancer. Credit goes where credit is due. See work experience on LinkedIn

Campaign Strategy

Concept, strategy, and copywriting for marketing campaigns on digital media platforms.
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Concept & Copywriting

Conceptualisation and copywriting for social media, digital ads, email newsletters, landing pages, and more.

Email Newsletters

Concept, strategy, and copywriting for internal newsletters and e-commerce marketing emails

Subject – Be the Alpha of your investment game.

Hello [FNAME],

Are Alpha trades in the stock market making you hold your breath too long? Not anymore, with the Alpha 3:30 algo from InvestorAI. Now all you have to do is choose a stock, and let our artificial intelligence technology show you which stock might give you 3% returns in 30 days.

Not just this, but we also give you hundreds of signals and insights into stock

movements that are curated by AI.

Also, we’re still giving you an exclusive discount on the Domestic Pro Plan. What will be your choice?

  • Access to all sectors in India.
  • Access to around 400 valuable insights.
  • Access to all of our algos for the Indian Market.

Choose payment plans that suit your need –

<<Payment page mockup>>


InvestorAi Team

Subject – Putting all your eggs in a basket?

Hello [FNAME],

You’ve probably heard it isn’t a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket. And that’s true. As an investor you ought to know – always diversify.

But this basket, you’re gonna love putting all your stocks in it. We can’t wait to introduce an exciting new algo – New Age Themes, to you. This algo allows you to create thematic baskets of ideas & stocks you love and monitor them all together with AI. Ready to unlock this ability?

Go ahead, take the next step. We’re still giving you an exclusive discount on the Domestic Pro Plan. What’s in this plan?

  • Access to all sectors in India.
  • Access to around 400 valuable insights.
  • Access to all of our algos for the Indian Market.

Explore payment options for Domestic Pro that suit your needs.

<<Payment page mockup>>

Ready to level up your investment game?


InvestorAi Team

Blog Articles

High-quality search engine optimised content to drive traffic and aid brand growth.

Website Design and Content

Bespoke websites that look great and work even better.

Brand Experience

Delivered excellence for 55+ global and local brands across industries.
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